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Monday, October 1, 2012

Platinum 2, Hunger Games Ch. 10-12 HW and Quiz on Tuesday, 10/9

Please read ch. 10-12 in The Hunger Games and complete the attached worksheets. 

On the "Note-taking and Summarizing Chart," fill in only the boxed sections: Primary Conflict and Possible Thematic Issues Being Raised.  You may complete this chart using phrases or sentences and by printing, writing in cursive, or typing your responses.  Remember that the "Primary Conflict" is the main problem in the chapters and "Possible Thematic Issues Being Raised" refers to the ethical/moral/important ideas that are brought up in the chapters.  Use the attached link to help you identify some common themes (http://blogs.scholastic.com/files/common_themes.pdf) or look at the "Classroom Theme" heading at the top of this webpage (http://msamandadesilva.blogspot.com/p/current-theme.html).

As you read, answer the circled questions only on a separate piece of paper.  I would like your responses to be typed, double-spaced, and in 12-pt Times New Roman, Chalkboard, or Comic Sans style font.  Please be sure to answer each question fully and in complete sentences.  I also expect you to justify your answer or prove with evidence to earn an above-average score on the homework.

Lastly, be prepared for a short quiz on the assigned chapters and vocabulary for those chapters.  The vocabulary and definitions are in the "Hunger Games General Info" section of your composition book.

Use the attached link to download the homework if you need it.


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