Welcome to Ms. Amanda's class website. Here you will be able to find classroom themes, homework assignments, tips, and resources.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Platinum 1, Hunger Games Ch. 5-9 HW and Test on Friday, 10/5

Please read ch. 5-9 in The Hunger Games and complete the attached worksheets. 

On the "Note-taking and Summarizing Chart," fill in only the boxed sections: Primary Conflict and Possible Thematic Issues Being Raised.  You may complete this chart using phrases or sentences and by printing, writing in cursive, or typing your responses.  Remember that the "Primary Conflict" is the main problem in the chapters and "Possible Thematic Issues Being Raised" refers to the ethical/moral/important ideas that are brought up in the chapters.  Use the attached link to help you identify some common themes (http://blogs.scholastic.com/files/common_themes.pdf) or look at the "Classroom Theme" heading at the top of this webpage (http://msamandadesilva.blogspot.com/p/current-theme.html).

As you read, answer the circled questions only on a separate piece of paper.  I would like your responses to be typed, double-spaced, and in 12-pt Times New Roman, Chalkboard, or Comic Sans style font.  Please be sure to answer each question fully and in complete sentences.  I also expect you to justify your answer or prove with evidence to earn an above-average score on the homework.
Lastly, be prepared for a short quiz on the assigned chapters and vocabulary for those chapters.  The vocabulary and definitions are in the "Hunger Games General Info" section of your composition book.

Use the attached link to download the homework if you need it.

Platinum 2, Correcting Sentences HW Due Friday, 10/5

Please identify fragments, sentences, and run-ons and, if necessary, correct them appropriately.  Click on the link below for the PDF of the homework.

It is due next Friday. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B1b0Dnzodo68eWNxbGR4cTlweDA

Cobalt 2, Vocab HW & Test on Friday, 10/5

It is that time of year again... Time to start our weekly vocabulary lessons!  Yay!  The way I like to structure the vocabulary homework may be slightly different from what you have done in the past, so pay careful attention to the instructions. :)


You are expected to...

-complete all the worksheets in the vocab packet (hint: use the notes we took during class to help you on the "completing the sentence" section.)

-create flashcards for the words using the specified set-up displayed on the back of the cover sheet.  You do not have to handwrite them.  They can be created digitally or with additional copies of the worksheet definitions, sentences, synonyms, & antonyms.  They DO need to have all the required information.

-study for the test on your own using your flashcards, one of the games that we will learn next week in class, or visit www.vocabtest.com or www.vocabularyworkshop.com (see my vocabulary page for more information on how to access the games http://msamandadesilva.blogspot.com/p/vocabulary.html).

You may...

-choose one of the extra-credit options on the back of the cover sheet.  One satisfactorily-completed extra-credit option will earn you an extra 10% on that homework assignment, and it only has to use 10 words!  This is an opportunity to let your creativity shine while you use the words.


The vocab tests will have a spelling section and a multiple-choice section.

The spelling will consist of 20 words and each word will be worth 1 point each.

First Test
There will be 40 multiple-choice questions on your vocabulary test worth 2 points each.
      -about 10 definitions
      -about 7 synonyms
      -about 8 antonyms
      -about 15 sentences

All Tests Except Review Tests
After this first week of vocabulary, the vocab tests will have a review section.  So there will be 35 questions on the unit assigned for that week.
      -about 5 definitions
      -about 7 synonyms
      -about 8 antonyms
      -about 15 sentences
There will also be 10 review questions from all the words from the previous lessons covered that school year each worth 1 point.
      -about 5 definitions
      -about 5 sentences

So it is extremely important to keep your flashcards and review previous lessons often or play the online games for the previous lessons frequently to keep those words fresh in your memory.

Parents, please help encourage your child to use these words in conversations they have with you, look for examples of these words in the books, radio, TV, movies, etc you come into contact with.  This will not only positively reinforce the definition and examples of the word, but it also will show how they are actually used in the real world! :)

Vocab Lists This Week (Check your email for the actual PDFs of the vocab lesson)

B7 & B8




Please ask if you have any questions!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Platinum 1 & 2, Nouns, Pronouns, & Adjectives HW and Test on Friday, 9/28

Please complete the attached worksheets on the grammar concepts we covered in class over the past two weeks: nouns, pronouns, and adjectives.  This means that, yes, you have two assignments to complete, study, and review for Friday.

There also will be a test on those concepts.  So, to be adequately prepared, you will be able to...
-define the grammar terms highlighted in your notes and provide examples of each
-identify nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in a sentence and then label the type of noun/pronoun/adjective
-differentiate nouns vs. adjectives and pronouns vs. adjectives
-create original sentences where you use a word like "homework" as a noun and then as an adjective

Please be sure to ask questions before class or after class tomorrow or via email.  All questions must be asked before class begins on Friday.

I have to say that your two classes have completely rocked this chapter and had such in-depth academic conversations/arguments about the part of speech a word is.  I love it!  You will all be Grammar Police Officers soon! :)

Click on the links below for the homework.

Platinum 2

Platinum 1

Cobalt 2, Tangerine p. 97-151 HW and Quiz on Thursday, 10/4

Please read chapters "Mon., Sept. 18" to "Mon., Oct. 2" (p. 97-151) and complete the attached worksheets. 

As you read, answer the questions on a separate piece of paper.  I would like your responses to be typed, double-spaced, and in 12-pt Times New Roman, Chalkboard, or Comic Sans style font.  Please be sure to answer each question fully and in complete sentences.  I also expect you to justify your answer or prove with evidence to earn an above-average score on the homework.

For the vocabulary section, please copy the definition in the appropriate space on the worksheet.  Then pick 5 of the words and use them in original sentences on a separate piece of paper.  You may type them or handwrite them in cursive.  Be sure to underline the key words.  As extra credit, you may also find images or draw images of each of the vocab words.

Be ready for a short quiz on the chapters you read.

Click on the link below to download a copy of the homework in case you lose it.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Platinum 2, Hunger Games Ch. 5-9 HW due Monday, Oct. 1

Please read ch. 5-9 in The Hunger Games and complete the attached worksheets. 

On the "Note-taking and Summarizing Chart," fill in only the boxed sections: Primary Conflict and Possible Thematic Issues Being Raised.  You may complete this chart using phrases or sentences and by printing, writing in cursive, or typing your responses.  Remember that the "Primary Conflict" is the main problem in the chapters and "Possible Thematic Issues Being Raised" refers to the ethical/moral/important ideas that are brought up in the chapters.  Use the attached link to help you identify some common themes (http://blogs.scholastic.com/files/common_themes.pdf) or look at the "Classroom Theme" heading at the top of this webpage (http://msamandadesilva.blogspot.com/p/current-theme.html).

As you read, answer the circled questions only on a separate piece of paper.  I would like your responses to be typed, double-spaced, and in 12-pt Times New Roman, Chalkboard, or Comic Sans style font.  Please be sure to answer each question fully and in complete sentences.  I also expect you to justify your answer or prove with evidence to earn an above-average score on the homework.

Lastly, be prepared for a short quiz on the assigned chapters and vocabulary for those chapters.  The vocabulary and definitions are in the "Hunger Games General Info" section of your composition book.

Use the attached link to download the homework if you need it.

Platinum 1, Pronouns and Adjectives HW Due Friday, 9/28

Please use your notes to help you complete the concepts we covered in class. Use your notes to help you.  There is no test on Friday, so you may cross that part out on the cover sheet.

Click on the link below to see the assignment.

Cobalt 2, Correcting Sentences HW Due Tuesday, 9/25

Please complete the grammar worksheets that cover the concepts we covered in class.   Use your notes in your composition book to help you.  For many of the activities, there is not just one correct answer.

Click on the link below to see the assignment.