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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Recommended Online Dictionaries

As you are working on vocabulary, reading, or writing, I would like you to use either the Merriam-Webster Dictionary or the Oxford Dictionary.  These two sites provide a more organized and clear definition with synonyms and antonyms.  They also include derivatives and word origin.  Become familiar with these and use them regularly.  You can download the apps onto your smartphone, but the full website is more thorough.



Remind 101

I found this app on iTunes under their Education category.  It seems like a really great way to quickly issue out reminders of assignments or tests to students and parents using a safe and secure text message or email.  I will not have access to your phone numbers nor will you have access to mine.  It seems to all be done through an independent messaging service.

I am hoping that I can send out notices to check this website for updates, that I've entered in scores on NetClassroom, upcoming homework and tests, changes to assignments, etc.  It seems that many of us have phones with text messaging capabilities and that it might be more convenient to get these types of notifications.


Look at the video and information below and let me know what you think....

Remind101 from remind101 on Vimeo.

If you were interested in signing up for this follow the directions below for your class.

Cobalt 2 - https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B1b0Dnzodo68d1Fxb1VMdkctVmM

Platinum 1 - https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B1b0Dnzodo68ak9xR2pIR1A4Q0E

Platinum 2 - https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B1b0Dnzodo68N1VHV21pNjd2QlE

As always, please leave your comments on this app/site/program!

Monday, August 27, 2012



    Check out this site if you are trying to find similar words, related words, attributes, or qualities of a word/term that you are researching, studying, or writing about.  You can click on each bubble, and more related terms/ideas will branch off.  This could be very helpful for picking an area of focus for a research topic.  It also could supply you with key terms or wording to use when writing about a topic.  The possibilities are endless!

OneLook Reverse Dictionary

    OneLook Reverse Dictionary 
    Have you ever experienced that extremely frustrating moment where you know what you want to express but can't think of the word?  Try OneLook Reverse Dictionary.

    The regular OneLook site can help you come up with needed words for poetry and prose.  For example, if you need a word that ends in "some" or words related to intelligence.  Just follow the directions for the correct way to enter in the search commands. 


    This wonderful site that essentially acts as bulletin board for ideas will be used frequently with our assignments.  It allows us to share ideas, responses, images, web links, and videos on one platform.  All you need to enter is your email address.  Be sure to put your name with your response to get credit.

ipl2: Information You Can Trust

Whenever you need to research a topic for my class or any of your other classes, use ipl2 (http://www.ipl.org/) !  This website  has compiled "librarian approved" sites that provide more reliable information.  This way you can use something other than the sketchy Wikipedia or someone's personal website.

Become experts at navigating trustworthy information on the Internet!  Let me know how it works for you!