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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11, We Shall Never Forget

In memory of September 11, pick one of the following human interest stories on the Story Corps: 9/11 website.  Listen to it in its entirety and answer the following questions in post below:
1.  Who is telling a memory of 9/11?  Briefly summarize what happened.
2.  What is your reaction?
3.  Why is it important to remember this day?



  1. Joseph Lutrario, a retired NYPD officer,is telling the story I listened to and he describes helping to get children who were in the day care center to saftey away from the building and also describes when he entered the South tower and it collapsed. He says that he thought he was dead but was later rescued. I was very glad to see that this man did everything in his power to make sure that all of those children were safe and it was very moving to now that he is the reason that those kids are alive. This day is important to remember because this is a day that caused security in our country to drastically increase and it lets us know when to mourn the losses of the good, inocent people that died due to this random act of violence.

  2. 1. Lee Hanson and his wife Eunice lost their kids on 9/11. It was their granddaughter's first plane ride. As Lee was on the phone with his son, Peter, he heard a loud woman yell and he lost the connection with his son and that meant that his plane into a building.

    2. This is a very, very, sad story. It is so ironic that as Peter was on the phone with his dad, he crashed into a buiding and his father had to hear that and know that his child is never coming back home.

    3. It is cruicial that we remember this day because a numerous amount of people died this day on American soil. Many families have lost loved ones and it is important to realize what other people went through on this day.

  3. The story I listened to was told by Shelli Wright and her son Graham Haggett. Graham's grandmother was killed in 9/11 when the second tower collapsed. She was in the second tower when the plane crashed into the first tower. While Shelli was on the phone with her, the second tower was hit and she died. The story made me feel sad. This day is important to remember because it helps us to remember the people who died on this day.

  4. I listened to the story of Jean and David Braca who where talking about her husband who what passed in the attack. They where talking about Jean not knowing that the towers where hit and her waiting for her husband to come home. About six hours later the son david told her. She was devastated but he was willing to help her with the hardship. I was delighted to see that he was strong and willing to comfort his mom through the rough times. It is important to remember this day because so we should pay respect to the people that gave there lives for others and and even the families and friends that lost loved ones because of this dreadful act of assault on so many Americans.

  5. 1. Who is telling a memory of 9/11? Briefly summarize what happened.
    A father of two sons is telling a memory of 9/11 and how they both died as heros. John Jr. is a firefighter and Joe is a policemen. Before they left him, they called their dad to say "I LOVE YOU." John was 36 years old and Joe was 34. Ironically, the badge the John got as a firefighter was 3436. The badge has only been used twice; Once by his grandfather, then his father.
    2. What is your reaction?
    The story was very touching and made me cry.
    3. Why is it important to remember this day?
    It is important to rember the tragedy that happened on September 11, 2001 so that we can honor those who died as a hero.

  6. I lisigned to the story of Daejin and Kyung Woo Ryook's daughter's death. It was realy sad how they lost someone they loved, and after the death they are always depresed and have lost the desire to work and eat.It is very important to remember all the people that were lost on that horrible day.

  7. I listened to the story of Lee Hanson and his wife Eunice. It was the first flight for there two children, Peter and Christine. They were on one of the planes that crashed into the Twin Towers. During the flight, Lee had recieved a call from Peter, saying that his plane was hijacked and that he knew that they were flying into the building. He told his father not to worry, he said it would be quick.
    This makes me very sad that many families like the Hanson's had to go through this.
    It is very important to remember this day as a day to honor all those who died in 9/11. It is also a day to honor all those serving in the NYPD and FDNY during this tragic day.

  8. I listened to the story of Lee Hanson and his wife, Eunice who lost three of their family members on the United Airlines Flight 175 on 9/11.This was a very sad story because Lee was on the phone with his son, Peter when Peter's plane crashed into the Twin Towers. It is important to remember the people who lost their lives on this day.

  9. I listened to Beverly Eckert who remembers her husband Sean calling her and telling repeating how much he loved her. They discussed all their happy memories one last time before Sean's tower collapsed. My heart sunk when her husband say he loved her one last time. it is important to remember 9/11 because many lives were taken away.

  10. The story I picked was about John Yates. So to break it down he was in his office and one of his coworker told him to check the news. So he talked to his wife and made sure everything was okay and she told him to do her a favor and work under the desk that day. So right as he decided to get out of his "safe" spot the plane went and crashed and he flew all the way down to the ground. Everything he touched burned him. I really had no reaction to this because it wasn't me, but we should all remember this day to be thankful that we weren't in the Twin Towers at the time.

  11. Garrett
    A husband and wife named Lee Hanson and his wife Eustice Hanson.There sons and daughter in law were in the plane that was going to crash into the twin towers I think it is terrible that these innocent people had to die for no reason. I think that none of these families should have ever had gone through this. It is important to remember this day because of the people who have died for no reason on this random day.

  12. Monique Feerer is telling about her ex-husband. Her ex-husband had died in the World Trade Center building on September 1st. They had got married at the age of 19 and started dating at the age of 14.

    This is sad because she tells them how their children always looked like her ex-husband and the children had done everything like their father. Her current husband was put on the phone with her ex-husband and the ex-husband told the current husband to please be his daughter's father.

    This is important because it marks a day where many lives were lost and heroes laid their lives before them to save the life of others, heroism is a motivation, no one asks someone to be their hero and loved ones and heroes should be remembered for their acts on that day.

  13. 1. Frankie DeVito a ten year-old kid and his mother are telling the story about his grandather who died in the 9/11 tragedy. He explains how his grandfather promised him that they would do many things together and now they will never get the chance to.
    2. It was a very heart breaking story to hear and made me feel really sad to hear that such a thing happened to this poor child.
    3. It is important to remember all of the people that sacrificed their lives during 9/11 and commemorate their heroism and courage. We must be thankful on this day and everyday that we have a family to love and be with.

  14. I listened to the story of the New York Police Officer that saved a young child that was about his sons age.

    It was very nice that the police officer saved a kid's life by risking his own.

    I think that it is important day to remember because it is a very important event in the history of The United States.

  15. I listened to the story of the NYPD officer Joseph Lutrario. He talked about how he ran into the tower to save the kids. When he went into the south tower, he explained that all he remembered was that the entire south tower collapsed on him and he thought that he was going to die. A fireman pulled him out and his arm came out of its socket. They popped it back in and wrapped it. For the next three weeks he still continued working with one broken arm. I really admired this story because of his bravery and strength to save the kids and continue to keep on working after his injury. It is very important to remember this day because so many lives were lost in this tragic time of history.

  16. The story I listened to was about Lee Hanson and Eunice Hanson, a married couple. Three of their family members were lost during the sad event. The family members are Peter, their son, Sue Kim, their daughter-in-law, and Christine, their granddaughter. Flight 175 was the airplane that Peter, Sue Kim, and Christine were sitting on. It was also the second plane that crashed into the World Trade Center's South Tower. Another thing that made this more of a tragedy for Lee and Eunice is that they received a call from their son, Peter, who told them this terrifying news. Peter also died during this call with his father. This is only one of the events out of many more. We should never forget the people who lost their lives or this tragic day.

  17. 1. Jessica Derubbio is telling the story of her father, David Derubbio. David Derubbio was a New York City firefighter.

    2. "When I used to hug him, my whole world disappeared" Jessica Derubbio said. Jessica's father had always wanted to be a firefighter; like his brothers. When he got the job to become a firefighter, before 9/11; he couldn't believe it. All Jessica would remember of her father was that he wouldn't have cared about what the conditions were on 9/11, he was willing to save lives, loved his job, and loved to be with his family. He died in the Trade Center building, trying to save the people.

    3. My reaction was that I felt touched and it made me cry because losing a father would be horrible.I was feeling Jessica's heartfelt and sad tragedy.

    4. It is important to remember this day because we should recognize the honorable and brave people on 9/11 that saved many lives. We need to understand what those people felt and what their families felt. We will never forget 9/11.

  18. Jhon and Elaine talk about the loss of their son.When they turned on the tv they knew the plane had hit the floor he was working on or very close to it.His mother did not give up hope and called another family member to see if he had called and was still alive but nobody got a call from him and thats when she knew he was dead.She described how the night before she was so happy talking to him and loved her family so much.She was not expecting anything to happen so when it did she was devestated.Words can not express how bad i felt for them to have to realize they could never see or talk to their son again.Nine eleven is an important event to remember because over three thousand innocent people died and the whole world was affected by this terrorist attack.

  19. The person that I listened to was the retired NYPD officer, Joseph Lutrario. Once he got to the world trade center he was greeted by a teacher who told him there was a daycare full of children and his first reaction was to get as many people out of there as possible. When he went into the South Tower he felt the ground shake but he didn’t notice the building was collapsing. His arm was dislocated and they told him that he has to go to a hospital but he said no and tried to save more people. I admire the officer for doing everything in his power to save all the little children and for going back to work with a dislocated arm, trying to save others. This is an important day because of all the people who died on this tragic day for no reason.

  20. Amy Mundorff is telling her husband, Kurt, about what had happened when one of the Twin Towers had collapsed. Amy Mundorff was in the New York Medical Examiner's office at the time of this tragedy. Right when the South Tower started to collapse, she ran out on the street and away from the building as fast as she could. As the tower collapsed, the debris cloud that came out of it was so strong, that it pushed 50 feet in front of her and into a wall. Amy thought she was gonna die, but right as she said that, the debris cloud had mostly dissapeared and all she saw was powder and dust everywhere. She later went home to his husband, Kurt. When she came in she was very saddened that so many people died.
    My reaction to this story was depressing because I was imagining what she was seeing that day and that made me sad. We should always remember 9/11 because that day was a tragic day for America where about 3,000 people were killed for no reason. That day will always haunt the victims who survived 9/11.

  21. The story that I listened to was told by John Vigiano Sr. He had two sons named John Jr. and Joe. John was a firefighter and Joe was a policeman. Both of died in the World Trade Center. Both of the sons used to always call their home from work. Joe called his father in the morning to tell him to turn on the T.V. He saw that the plane just hit the World Trade Center. Both of the sons where going to the World Trade Center. my reaction to this story is that is was a very sad because John two sons were very brave and confident to go and save the people from the World Trade Center. It is important to remember the day September 11th because it was a day that allot of innocent people courage's heroes died.

  22. Monique Ferrer tells us her moving story about her ex-husband's death. They started dating at 14, and went on to marry at 19. He sadly died in the World Trace Center. This story was heartbreaking. Her children acted like her ex-husband. They joked like him, talked like him, acted like him. Monique Ferrer put her husband on the phone and he told the ex-husband that he's going to get out and he's going to be the father take care of them. It is important to remember this tragedy for it marks an important day to remember all the fallen heroes.

  23. 1. John Yates, a worker at the pentagon is telling this story. In this story John Yates just finishes a call with his wife when the hijacked plane crashes into the pentagon. When John opens his eyes he sees black all over the room. When he finally does see light and is able to see clearly he realizes how badly injured he is.

    2. I am surprised that John is the only survivor out of the people in his area. I also am sorry for John seeing his workers die in front of him.

    3. By remembering this day we show respect to all the people who died and to the people who showed heroism during this day.

  24. Gladys and Carolina de la Torre are telling their story about their older sister Azucena who was killed on September 11,2001. Gladys explains how she was at Azucena's house the day before the incident. They were laughing and having a good time. When she was saying goodbye, she had this urge to tell her how much she loved her, but she didn't. The next day at work her coworkers were running around and told her that an airplane hit the tower where her sister was. She couldn't help but scream and cry because she new that her sister was in that building. During the next two weeks, she was hoping that she would find something that belonged to her sister, but all she found was her driver's licence, which was partially burnt. Two or three days after 9/11 Gladys went to Azucena's house. She explained how Azucena would leave her clothes neatly folded on her bed so she could change into her house clothing. Gladys remembers seeing those clothes on the bed, and hugging them and crying so loud that she scared herself. When I heard her story I truly realized that 9/11 was REALLY a shocking time for a lot of people. I can't imagine how many people's lives have been affected. It is very important to remember this day because thousands of people died including heroes, innocent people, and loved ones.

  25. I listened to the story told by Lee Hanson and his wife, Eunice. Their son, Peter, daughter-in-law, Sue Kim, and grandaughter, Christine Lee were on the United Airlines Flight 175 during 9/11. It was Christine's first trip on an airplane. Peter had called his dad in the morning and told him that their plane had been hijacked. The second time Peter called his dad, he informed him that they were going to crash the plane into a building. The last words that Peter's dad heard was oh my god, oh my god, oh my god in a very quiet voice and a woman screaming; the plane crashed into the building. My reaction to this story is shock. All the families and people who were on the flights that were hijacked had the worst of luck that day. They did not deserve or expect such a tragedy. It is important to remember this day because many people lost their loved ones and risked their lives for others.

  26. I listened to ten year-old Frankie DeVito talking about how he lost his grandfather during the terrorist attack. He said how him and his grandfather would play peter pan with screw drivers and how he would always tell him he would take Frankie to work with him and how it will never happen. He also said if he could tell him anything he would tell him that he loves him and there is no other grandfather he would rather see than him while crying.

    I was heart broken listening to him crying as he would explain what had happened. It is devastating knowing that there is many more stories just like this one.

    Its important to remember this day because many innocent people died. The heroes will never be forgotten. Never Forget.

  27. The story I listened to was about the phone conversation that Beverly Eckert had with her husband, Sean, before a plane crashed into the tower he was in. Beverly tells how her husband informed her of the things happening around him: smoke swelling into staircases, people desperately trying to evacuate, and the horrible sound of the crack that marked the collapse of the building he was in. This story left me heart-broken because it reminded me that a loved one can be taken at an point of any day. It is important that we remember 9/11 because we honor those who lost their lives that day and we sympathize for their families.

  28. I listened to Lee and Eunice Hanson talk about losing their son and two doaughters in-law in the 9/11 attacks. After listening to this story, the first quetion that came to my head was why? Why would anyone want to risk their lives to kill so many other innocent people. After I thought about it for a while, I realized how the families and friends of the people in the buildings must have felt, and I just thought about how lucky that I was. Even though I was too young to remember, I think about it now and feel so grateful that none of my family members or loved ones were involved in the attacks. I think that this day should be remembered because of all the innocent lives that were lost, and to honor all the people in the buildings, as well as all the herioc fire fighters and police men who also risked their lives doing their duty for the people in the burning buildings. I really hope that someday I cn think of a great way to honor all the lives that were lost on this day, and just remember to be grateful for all that I have.

  29. Umberto Joseph DeJesus, a physician's assistant, and his wife, Nancy Cardona about how he didn't think twice about going to help people at Ground zero. They said it was very quiet and smoky when they got there and they met a hurt police officer who was determined to help his fellow officers. Then they helped all the wounded people. This made me more determined about helping others in times of danger like the police officer. It is important to remember this day because we should respect the people that died that day and should never forget how brave the people were.

  30. I listened to the story being told by Jean Braca and her son, David. It had been on the day of September 11, 2001 and Jean Braca's husband, Alfred Braca had gone to work at The World Trade Center. David had just heard on the news that the plane had just crashed. At that moment, all Jean was focusing on was him coming home. She believed thought he would be back in six hours or that he would probably call. He never did though. When she realized he wouldn't be coming back, she prayed to God to give her strength. About a week later, they found out that Alfred's body had been found. Jean was overjoyed that she could have a nice memorial to honor her husband. When I listened to this story, I was just so shocked about how fragile life really is. The fact that this man was home and alive and happy in the morning, then dead a few hours later is just so crazy. I really can't imagine how hard it was to just be waiting to find out if one of your loved ones would ever be coming back home. I believe this day is just so important to remember because it really reminds us to never take your love ones for granted, you never know what the future brings. It's also important to honor the heroes that lost their lives to protect our country. May we never forget.

  31. This story was about Lee Hansen and his wife, Eunice, who lost their two children and their daughter-in-law during 9/11. They were on United Airlines flight 175, which was the plane that crashed into the World Trade Center. After listening to the story, i felt very sorry for them because they lost the people that they loved thhe most. Eunice, the mom, was talking about how her son's friends would keep in touch with her and send her cards. She was saying that she knew she should be happy for them, but at the same time she didn't have a son anymore and she didn't have anyone to be proud of. i think that people should remember this day because people showed a lot of courage and bravery to save others. Also, remembering this day is a way of showing the people that lost their lives some respect.

  32. I heard the story of a police officer named Joseph Lutrario who saved little kids from a school near the world trade center during the plane crashing. He risked his life in order to save these kids even if it meant not returning to his own kid. When he snuggled the little kid kid in his shirt it touched me because it reminded me of when I was little and if I was upset my parents would help me in my time of need. When he rushed in to save those kids he used his determination in order to save those kids. He also said of how the kid he snuggled in his shirt was around his sons age which reminded him if he did not make it his son wouldnt see him again but even still he pushed on to save that little kid. So for these reasons I think that it is importantthat we remember this day in order to remember all the heros like Joseph who risked there lives in order to save countless lives.

  33. Monique Ferrer was telling the story of her ex husband death, her ex husbands name was Michael Trinidad. Michael died as a result of the World Trade Center being hit by a plane. Monique and Michael have been dating since they were fourteen years old. Later they got married. They had two children and they always act like him, the always joke like him, they looked like him and they acted like him. Right as the World Trade Center was hit by a plane Michael called his ex wife and told her that he has always loved her and that he also always loved his two children. He also told her that he was saying good bye because he didn't think he was going to make it out of the huge building. Then Monique put her husband on the phone so he can try to find a way out but instead Michael told Monique's husband to be a good father to his children. My reaction to the story is very sad because all Michael was thinking was that he loved his children and he always loved Monique. It is important to remember this day because it was the day when many people died and when the terrorists made our World Trade Center fall. Another reason why it is important to remember this day is because it showed how people will risk there lives to save a random stranger that is in danger.

  34. The story I listened to was told by John Yates. He was working in the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. He was the victim of United Airlines Flight 77 crash. His story of his experience was very emotional. Yates said his wife told him to work under the table the rest of the day. He then took that as a joke and laughed. Moments later,the plane hit the outside of the Pentagon sending Yates blown away.He was then in a state of shock. He said the room was entirely black and started crawling to the lighter area with less heat and more water sprinkles. Yates then went to the center courtyard knowing how much skin was burnt. After, a doctor taking all of Yates' burning clothes off heads to him saying "He goes first."to a medic. The next thing Yates remembered was that his wife was waking Yates up not on that day, but two days later on September 13.My reaction was very sad. Knowing his experience of being one of the lucky survivors makes me think everyday is a wonderful day to live and to be thankful for each second. It is very important for us to remember that day because it is a day to honor the innocent heroes that lived and died on September 11.

  35. Umberto Joseph DeJesus is telling the story. The wife hears on the radio that one of the twin towers got hit by a plane. She calls Umberto and tells to leave. He listens and by the time he got down the second one already crashed. I thought he should be proud to have listened to his wife and I can't imagine myself in that smoke and seeing all the dead bodies. It is important to remember this day because many innocent lives have been sacrificed on this day.

    - Aram

  36. The story that i wrote about was Lee and Eunice Hanson's story. The story was about their children on the plane that crashed into the World Trade Center on 9/11. The flight that they were on was the United Airlines Flight 175. When Lee was talking to his son Peter he could hear Peter say "OH MY GOD "OH MY GOD" "OH MY GOD" and then everything was cut off and when Lee and Eunice looked at the T.V. the plane crashed. This was a sad story because when lee was talking to Peter they and the phone got cut off they looked at the T.V. and saw the plane crash. It is important to remember all the people that were killed on 9/11.

  37. I listened to the story of Shelli and Graham Wright's story about how their beloved grandmother was killed in the 9/11 plane crashes. She was a good boss, mother, and grandmother who many adored. She was in the south tower of the World Trade Center when it was hit. Her colleagues loved and respected her so much that they went in to try to rescue her from the crumbling building, however, she and her colleagues did not make it out in time. The last thing that Shelli had sent her mother that morning, was a picture of her ten month old son, Graham. This story meant a lot to me because she seemed to be a genuinely good person who was a victim of a cruel terrorist plot, costing the liva of others just like her. It is important to remember that day because of the innocent people like Shelli and Graham's grandmother that passed away.

  38. I read a story about an NYPD officer, Joseph Lutrario. His team had reached the world train center in a few minutes when a teacher asked his help to evacuate as many possible children from a day care center. Him and his team had successfully saved all the children. The last child he took was in shock, and he was also his son's age. While he was heading towards the South Tower to rescue some more civilians the building had collapsed onto him. During this time, he was having thoughts about his death and funeral. Furthermore, he worrying about his kids' lives and who would raise them. Fortunately, a firemen was able to rescue him through all the debris. His only injury was an injured arm in which they were able to pop back into his socket. Even with his injury he refused to take rest and instead continue working for three more weeks. I felt amazed with the strength some people such as Joseph Lutrario have. Moreover, his ability to continue saving people with his dreadful injury astounded me. Everyone in the world should remember this day to commemorate the heroes and civilians that died on 9/11. Airports all around the world should set better security precautions so an event like this doesn't happen again.

  39. 1. A woman named Amy Mundorff is telling the story to her husband Kurt.Just as she parked she noticed all of the debris falling everywhere and as she turns around, the twin towers started to collapse. Then all she remembered was herself running as fast as she could until the debris cloud swept her 50 feet away against a wall. After she said to herself " I cant believe im gonna die, i dont wanna die."
    2. My first reaction was how fortunate we are that this hasn't happened to us or any of our loved ones. It really makes you appreciate what we have.
    3. It is important to remember this day because thousands of innocent lives were taken because of some beliefs the people of Iraq had. Also all of the victims that have survived are suffering from physical and emotional damage that they have been scare with still to this day.

  40. I listened to a retired New York City firefighter John Vigiano. He had two kids John Jr. and Joe. Joe started dating at 17 and his girlfriends's dad was a police officer. One day Joe told his dad he was going to take a police test. He passed. He was now a detective for NYPD. John Jr. wanted to make millions and take care of his parents. When Mr. Vigiano came down with throat cancer, John Jr. decided to be a firefighter. It was very challenging to sit through this and see such talent and love die. It is definetely important to remember 9/11 because so many innocent lives were lost and yet so many innocent lives were brought together. For example, everyone from the poor to the rich to the police to the firefighters helped carry each other, talk to each other and save each other. Overall, we should remember this day as a salute to the many lives lost then.

  41. The story I had listened to was about NYPD Lieutenant Bill Cosgrove. Lieutenant Bill Cosgrove had said that he had found somebody lying on the floor. He had found out that the person lying on the floor was Father Mychal Judge. They had picked him up and checked his vital signs to see if he was still alive, but he was dead. Lieutenant Bill Cosgrove picked him up and carried him up the stairs. The next day he had gone to the precinct and saw a picture taken of Father Michael Judge. After that, Lieutenant Bill Cosgrove got many calls from people that knew Mychal Judge. If it was not for Mychal Judge he says he would have died because he would gone into the twin towers to search for people and it would have collapsed on him. My reaction was sad because I had found out that so many people died when the twin towers had collapsed and Lieutenant Bill Cosgrove had survived because of Father Mychal Judge.It is important to remember this day because many people lost their lives trying to save other lives, it is also important to remember this day we learn from what happened and we try not to let it happen again.

    -Arin Z.

  42. 1.Who is telling a memory of 9/11? Briefly summarize what happened.
    The teller of the story was Umberto Joseph Dejesus talking to his wife, Nancy Cardona
    2.What is your reaction?
    I thought that it would be very hard for me if I lost a loved one or a friend, so i can hardly imagine how hard it is for them.
    3.Why is it important to remember this day?
    I think it is important to remember this day because all the lives that were lost in the building when it came down were all loved ones to there families and I think that we should at least have a memorial every anniversary to remember there tragic loses.

  43. 1. The story is being told my Amy Mundorff who is telling her husband about her experience on 9/11. She was on the street when one of the north tower collapsed and the force of the debris falling down slammed her 50 yards away against another building.
    2. I was surprised about what people experience and went through on 9/11. I didn't realize how hard it would be to forget that day as a survivor.
    3. It is very important to remember 9/11 because of the many innocent people who died that day, and the many heroes that died that day saving others.

  44. Daejin and Kyung Woo Ryook tell the story about how they lost their beloved daughter, Christina Sunga Ryook. They started by saying how every night Christina would call them and ask "How was your day?" or "What did you have for dinner?". Daejin said he was tough on Christina but he was only tough on her so she could learn to be strong. They tell how Christina was everything to them. But mostly Daejin was sad because he never told his daughter that he loved her. They say, when they foumd out that Christina had died, it felt like their life was over. For years they have mourned for her. When I heard this story it made me feel like I wanted to help their family. It was heartbreaking to see how many families had to go through that awful time. It is important to remember this day for all the people that died on 9/11 and all the firemen, policemen, and rescue workers who sacrificed their lives for others.

  45. Shelli Wright and her son, Graham Haggett, are the two people who are telliing their story of 9/11. They were talking on how Graham's grandma, also who is Shelli's mom. They talked about how she brings warmth to them even though their not with her. They feel it. On 9/11, they were on the phone with their grandma. If I remember correctly which I do not know. I think that their grandma was in the second building of the twin towers. Ya, that's right. SO, while they were on the phone, Graham's grandma says that she will be right back but she never came back. The terrorist attack had already happened. Shelli and Graham said that their was also this person who was trying to be a hero and save their grandma but he did not make it. Graham said that he can sometimes feel his grandma's presence of warmth. This is an important day that we shall never foget and will always remember. We the people and also the Americans shall always remember their loss and that we will also not forget about the bravery of our heros who did their best to save as many lives as possiible from this treacherous loss that has been amplified in all of us. Till this day, it is we who shall be the ones to remember and have the respect for the people's loss of loved ones who onced lived. I want to say this to those who have been killed in the terrorist attack. "Requiescat in pace" This is Latin meaning, rest in peace. This also means (May death provide the peace you sought. Rest in peace)

  46. I listened to Ester DiNardo who talked about her daughter Maria DiNardo. Ester saw her daughter the last night for her birthday. Maria worked in the north tower of the Twin Towers. When the first plane hit the north tower Ester thought she was still there helping people because she had a kind heart. A year later Ester got a call saying is your daughter Maria DiNardo, Ester said yes the policemen said he found Maria's pocketbook. When Ester went to pick it up Ester finally thought that Maria was really gone.

    I think it is sad that she saw her the night before and she didn't realize she was gone until a year later.

    It is important to remember this day to commemorate the bravery of the people who helped, in the plane, and in the buildings. It is also important to remember to be more safe with air travel.

  47. The story I will be talking about is retired NYPD officer Joseph Lutrario. He was getting children put of a daycare center. He got stuck inside of the tower and he thought he was going to die. Later, he was saved by some firefighters. I thought he was very brave becausse he nearly died to save the kids from the daycare. It is very important to remember this day because it's a day where many people sacrificed their lives to save others.

  48. Former NYPD Lieutenant Bill Cosgrove gives his testimony of the tragedy of what happened on September 11, 2001. He remembers carrying the body of a priest, Father Mychal Judge, who seemed to be a true friend to everyone in New York. Cosgrove was with the fire chief when he hit Father Mychal's body. The fire chief turned on the lights, and was horrified to find that it was Father Mychal who had died. Cosgrove had never known Father Mychal, but the fire chief did. When Cosgrove and some other men got Father Mychal's body out, a photographer took a photo of them. Father Mychal was the first official victim of the attack on the Twin Towers. Cosgrove has never forgotten that moment, and he testifies that the only reason he is here is because of Father Mychal.

    I find this fateful because Father Mychal was the first to be called upon by God to join Him in heaven. This is also a bit ironic because he was a priest. I also feel very sorry for the New York Fire Department, especially those who remember losing Father Mychal.

    It is important to remember this day to mourn for those who have lost beloved ones and others that have died. We must also honor those who gave their lives to rescue others in the midst of crisis.

  49. The story I listened to was told by Jean Braca and her son, David. Jean was was waiting but her husband never returned at all. Later Jean was able to find her husband's body andgave him a great memorial. At first my reaction as that it was sad to hear that many people were killed and it effected many families to lose someone they really loved. I think the importance of 9/11 is to spend a day remembering what happened and the lives that were loss. It also takes time to celebrate the heroes that risked or loss their lives to save other people.

  50. 1. The story I listened to was told by Umberto Joseph DeJesus and his wife, Nancy Cardona. He was a fire fighter, and witnessed how a high ranking officer walked into the smoke without any second thoughts.

    2. I was in shock of how any man could be that fearless and walk into a crumbling building with so much determination.

    3. It's important to remember this day because more than 2,000 people died, and it was one of the most tragic moments in American history.

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  52. The video I watched was on a police man named Joeseph Lutrario, he helped save a lot of children before the second tower was hit. I think its amazing how so many people risked their lives and how many died trying. I think its really great how we have those people helping protect us.

  53. //The story I read was about a lady named Phyllis Johnson who was a clerk and type up the forms. After complaining about there neatness and typing and grammer, someone said "you think you can do better?". She said yes and joined the force.

    My reaction was amazemnt and disbelief because she was good and then left after 9-11, even though she was one of the top officers.

    9-11 is an important day to remeber because thousands of lives were lost for no reason. It was a sad day.\\
